
July 18, 2011

Laughter (Cape Breton Reflections)

Filed under: Uncategorized — graphien @ 11:02 pm

As some of you may or may not know I went on a missions trip to Cape Breton not too long ago. The team & I, lead by my youth pastor Carlos Castro & Samantha Jagan, helped out Lighthouse Community Church in out reaches and events they hosted that week. Each day was an incredible experience that have already proven to have changed me. I wish I could cram everything in but I won’t because I don’t want you to lose your eyesight. Instead here are some of my thoughts.

Looking back I will remember one thing predominantly. Laughter. A lot of laughter. Honest laughter, awkward laughter, over-tired laughter and laughter faked to cover up exhaustion and depression. Laughter.  Lots of laughter.

It was infectious and beautifully so. It spread through the week like flowers across a well planted and tended garden. It spread, healing wounds, easing tension, sharing joy, giving peace, and turning eyes away from despair. Laughter. Lots of it.

It concealed pain, hid anger, masked heart ache and revealed weakness. I exposed cracks in our characters that only we as individuals could see. It wrought destruction on our minds, chaos in our hearts and rained ashes upon our souls. It reaped havoc on our realities and obliderated them. Oh laughter, beautiful, terrible, false laughter.

But oh how our laughter changed. It transformed as we did. It matured and grew. Out of our angst and internal stress, tensions between each other the Holy Spirit did a beautiful work. He forged in us an unquenchable joy, an incomprehensible peace, and a new laughter. A raging laughter, a roaring laughter, a rising, resounding, revolutionary laughter. It came from joy, salvaged from our highest highs and lowest lows. To His glory God gave us blissful and boisterous laughter. So much so that my six pac still hurts.

Know His joy even in suffering,

Joshua Watkis


The Scribe

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